Oil Pressure Light Comes On: Causes And Solutions

5 Must Know Causes of Low Oil Pressure Light On & What is it
5 Must Know Causes of Low Oil Pressure Light On & What is it from www.smartpartsexport.com

If you are driving your car and suddenly the oil pressure light comes on, it can be alarming. It is a warning sign that there is something wrong with your engine. Ignoring the warning signs can cause serious damage to your car. In this article, we will discuss the causes of oil pressure light coming on and the solutions to fix it.

What is the Oil Pressure Light?

The oil pressure light is an indicator that shows the oil pressure in your car's engine. When you start your car, the oil pressure light should come on for a few seconds and then turn off. If the light remains on or comes on while you are driving, it means that there is low oil pressure in your engine. The oil pressure light is a warning sign that there is something wrong with your engine and you need to take immediate action.

Causes of Oil Pressure Light Coming On

Low Engine Oil

The most common reason for the oil pressure light coming on is low engine oil. If the engine oil level is low, it will cause a drop in oil pressure. This can be caused by a leak in the engine or not changing the oil regularly. You should check your engine oil level regularly and top it up if necessary. If you notice that the oil level is low, you should also check for any leaks in the engine.

Oil Pump Failure

The oil pump is responsible for circulating oil throughout the engine. If the oil pump fails, it will cause a drop in oil pressure. This can be caused by wear and tear or a clog in the pump. If you suspect that the oil pump has failed, you should take your car to a mechanic to get it fixed.

Oil Filter Clog

The oil filter is responsible for filtering out any dirt and debris from the oil. If the oil filter becomes clogged, it will restrict the flow of oil and cause a drop in oil pressure. This can be caused by not changing the oil filter regularly. You should change your oil filter every time you change your engine oil.

Solutions to Fix Oil Pressure Light Coming On

Check Engine Oil Level

The first thing you should do if the oil pressure light comes on is to check the engine oil level. If the oil level is low, you should top it up. You should also check for any leaks in the engine and get them fixed.

Check Oil Pump

If you suspect that the oil pump has failed, you should take your car to a mechanic to get it checked. The mechanic will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it if necessary.

Change Oil Filter

If the oil filter is clogged, you should change it. You should also make sure to change the oil filter every time you change your engine oil to prevent it from becoming clogged again.


The oil pressure light coming on is a warning sign that there is something wrong with your engine. Ignoring the warning signs can cause serious damage to your car. The most common causes of oil pressure light coming on are low engine oil, oil pump failure, and oil filter clog. The solutions to fix the problem are checking the engine oil level, checking the oil pump, and changing the oil filter. If you are not sure what is causing the oil pressure light to come on, you should take your car to a mechanic to get it checked.
